Friday, August 20, 2010

Blogger Silence

I had no intention of taking a blogging break.  But I have and I am.  I'm enjoying this summer of mine and find myself busier than I ever imagined hanging out with family and friends, playing in the pool, taking little mini vacations.  Plus I felt so stagnant in my writing.  Boring, boring, boring.  But I promise to be back soon.  Right after I get done hanging out with this kid.


Bekah said...

oh he is getting so big!!!

Girly Muse said...

You have a very good reason to take a break. That precious face. Oh, I heart him.

The Memory Journalists said...

I don't blame you, Bree. I mean, look at that cutie pie! Time much better spent with him than blogging. We miss you but we understand. :o)