Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Jump on the Bandwagon

I have finally gotten back in stock my MOST favorite scrub and body oil. I HEART this stuff so much. "This stuff" refers to The Salt Project. I used these scrubs and body oil in the months leading up to my wedding and my skin was NEVER better. The greatest thing is that I don't have to use any lotion. I used to be such a lotion fiend but after I started using the Salt Project scrub and oil I found my skin was much softer and I didn't need the lotion. And now I'm going to admit something a little embarrassing. I am a suffering of adult acne. But not on my face. I get it on my back and chest. When I started using the scrub and oil it cleared all that up! Makes me love it all the more. And they smell SO delicious! My personal favorites are Crush, Drenched and Mango Tan.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Do you use them in the the tub...over the sink...does it matter?