Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label etsy. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Elegant Crown

My talented and lovely sister has opened up her Etsy store!  She is selling the most beautiful headbands.  Each of these are handmade by her and I'm trying very hard not to steal them away.  Click the picture below to check her store out and buy something!  And pass it along to your friends!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Jump On The Bandwagon

I love pretty things. LOVE THEM. Right now I love pretty rings. I go through stages where I love certain pieces of jewelry and right now it's rings. Here is one of my new favorites. Don't you love it too? It's so feminine and girly. Check out the Flowers for Your Ears Etsy store!

P.S. This is the LONGEST my nails have ever been. I'm so proud! My fat little hands actually look kind of cute!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Love my G-ma like you love me

My grandma is the cutest grandma in the world. She is under 5 foot, from Arkansas and makes the best Southern food and Sweet Tea this side of Georgia.

For as long as I can remember my Grandma has been sewing quilts, pillows and everything else. Her and my Grandpa used to actually travel around and sell their stuff at craft fairs, but due to get older and health they just can't do that anymore.

So we are launching a new venture for the sweetest little Grandma on the block. Sweet Mary is her new Etsy store. We are starting out small but we will keep adding things if it does well. Right now we have a few quilts and some slippers. Her quilts are completely hand-made and so beautiful.

So internet it's time to give back. Go check out her store. Send this post to all your friends and family that have a computer. Drum up some business for Sweet Mary. No one deserves it more. (Also if you are interested she has well over 200 vinyl records, some still in the plastic! If you are a collector or know someone who is and are looking for something let me know!)