Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Documentation, Part I

I have to document it right? What I did for Christmas. So here it is in a two-part series. First, Christmas Eve.

Fried Turkey-a-la-Lil' Bro
I wonder what it could be?

This year we were with my fam for Christmas. So the festivities start on Christmas Eve with us. We all get together and get to open one gift. And every year it is (SURPRISE!) jammies. I personally love this. I heart jammies a whole lot and I love to add to my collection. The guys, however, are not so keen on it. I take that back. My BIL is VERY keen on it, it's Hubs, Lil' Bro and Dad that aren't so keen. Anywho, no difference this year, we all got in our jammies, and got the "Santa" gifts ready for the kids. I was really excited about spending Christmas with the girls this year. I think it is because they are old enough to understand it. It makes it more fun.

Hubby is SUPER excited about his jammies.
Getting the girls stockings ready.

So jammies, goodies and setting up presents. That's Christmas Eve! Part II coming real soon to a computer near you.

The Parental Unit
Me & the Hubby
My sister is going to kill me.
Just testing out the girl's walkie-talkie's to make sure they "work".


Donna said...

I love jammies! Teresa has some almost like yours!

Andrea said...

oh my, i had to kick my kids out for the stocking part. we open all our gifts on xmas eve

Michelle, Queen of Everything said...

I would totally kill you if I was Nicole!

She is lucky to have help with the Santa stuff. My "help" passed out on the couch Christmas Eve and I was stuck doing it all myself.

Girly Muse said...

gorgeous tree and presents!!! and i heart all the matching jammies.

it's fun to see your fam. please tell them hello. looks like fun was had by all. :)