Monday, February 23, 2009

A Commenting Tutorial

Okay, so tomorrow is a big day here at Bwildered! Michelle and I are having our first bake-off! And if all goes well we will do it again. HOWEVER, it is time for you lurkers to come out of the shadows and closets and wherever else you are hiding. And because I really, really, really want to win I need as many people to comment as possible. So let's make sure you know HOW to do that.

First, if you are coming directly to my blog you will see all the posts. At the end of every post, right after my name you will see "Written by Bree at XX:XX PM 6 Comments". If you want to comment you need to click on the word "Comments". Once you do a little box will pop up. Scroll down to the bottom after all the millions of other comments. You'll see a box right under the words "I heart comments!". That is where you write your comment. Once you feel out your brilliant comment you will see 4 choices under the box. They are Google/Blogger, OpenID, Name/URL and Anonymous. If you have a Google email you can choose the Google button. If you don't choose Name and type in your name. And then click on "Publish Your Comment." And you have OFFICIALLY commented on your favorite blog!

Now come on out lurkers! I'm countin' on ya!

1 comment:

Donna said...

I'm sorry I missed the voting! I'd of had your back, Chica! :)