Showing posts with label celebrations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label celebrations. Show all posts

Friday, November 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Nina!

Happy birthday to my Momma!  My baby's Nina.  We love you so much and are so grateful for all your do and are to us.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Happy Birthday Sister

Today is my sister's birthday.  There are a lot of things I could tell you about her.  I could tell you how we fought like cat's and dog's growing up.  We were never friends.  Just sisters.  Together because we were forced that way.  We were very different.  Me ever pushing to get away and her happy to be close to home.  We were merely sisters until about six years ago.  I moved home, defeated, and she was pregnant with my oldest niece.  Somewhere in between the pregnancy and birth we found our common ground. 

At that time she lived around the corner from me.  And my niece was a hard baby.  Colicky, crying, never would sleep.  Tia was more than happy to drop by at any time and hold her and rock her.  Somewhere in between the tears of Grace we found our best friends in each other.  She would always look out for me and I would be her helper. 

Over the last six years I have come to rely on her as my sounding board, my confidant, the person in my corner, my shoulder to cry on.  She has been there for me through some really awful break-ups and finding the love of my life.  I've been there for her through her kids and as her life literally turned upside down. 

I love you Coley and I'm so proud to be your sister.  I am in awe of you and your strength.  You persevere.  You keep fighting.  You don't give up.  You give your girls and husband and soft place to land, never stopping to think about yourself.  You are there for all of us no matter the circumstance.  Your heart is so giving.  You are an amazing wife, the perfect mom and my best friend.  Do you remember that moment when I was giving birth to Jackson and I was so tired and I couldn't breathe?  I looked to you and you talked me through.  I remember your voice getting quiet and it was all I could hear.  That is why you are who you are to me.  Because I can always count on you to get me through.  Thank you for that.  Love you so much.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Partying with Dr. Suess


Last weekend my Momma, my sister and my SIL threw me an AWESOME baby shower. Dr. Seuss themed! It was unbelievably cute. My mom and sister always throw THE BEST PARTIES as I've told you before and this was no different than any other time!


They had taken so much time to decorate the house and the food was amazing! There was Dr. Seuss books and characters everywhere. One of my cousins had come in a few days early (thanks Sherrie!), and her and my sister had baked these delicious sugar cookies in the shape of characters and frosted them. They were so good. I wish I had more to eat! (Next time you bake Sherrie you can send me some to test!) Of course there was yummy cupcakes and mini cheesecakes and lots and lots of food. They even made blue punch to go with the theme!

I had such a wonderful time with all my friends and family. I felt so special and loved. We received many wonderful things but more than anything I just enjoyed being with everyone and having them share in my happiness. Thank you all so much for taking the time out of your schedules to spend a little time celebrating our Jackson. I can't wait to share him with all of you. And again, a special thank you to my mom and my sister's for all your hard work. You guys rule!
Thanks to my Aunt Steph for this pictures!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Baby

Happy birthday to the love of my life.  You are my best friend, the person who's shoulder I lean on and the first person I want to tell all my funny stories to.  I'm so looking forward to this next adventure in our life.  I know with you by my side it's going to be amazing!  Loves you.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad

Today is my dad's birthday. When I think of my dad the first word that comes to mind is kindness. There isn't a mean bone in his body. After any of my friends meet my dad the first they they always say is, "I love your dad! He is SO nice!" And he is.  I've never met another human being with such a heart for people.  My dad is the epitome of an example of a Godly man.  I know he isn't perfect but he is one of those rare people that will stand up and admit when he was wrong and do it in a humble manner.

The thing that I always impresses me about my dad is HOW he is my dad.  He married my mom and had a ready-made family.  A new wife and two little girls under 5 for a guy who had never been married and was very much used to doing things a certain way.  But we never felt the stress or the struggle (I'm sure at times it was there.)  And when my brother came along it wasn't any different.  We didn't suddenly feel pushed aside by the "real" kid.  (And I have to say that my dad's family was the SAME way.  Which says a lot about them and why my dad is the way he is.)  There was never any difference between us.  We were all his kids.  I cannot imagine being under 30 and suddenly acquiring the responsibility of two kids and a wife.  My dad adopted my sister and I when I 14.  We always went by his last name but they waited to make it official until I was old enough to make the decision for both my sister and I.  There was no question as to what our answer was.  Of course.  He was our dad.  This song always reminds me and my sister of our dad.  If you haven't heard it, grab a tissue.

It has been such a joy for me to watch my dad with my hubby too.  Like any father he made sure I was sure about committing myself to him for the rest of my life.  I think my dad would be perfectly happy if he was the number one man in our lives for the rest of our lives!  But now as I watch my hubby and dad sit and talk and my dad offers up advice or praise sometimes it just makes me want to cry.  I'm so glad they are forming this relationship and growing closer.  Especially now with Jackson on the way.  I can't wait to see my dad interact with my son.  He is an awesome Papa to his girls and I know he is going to be awesome with Jackson.
 Happy birthday Dad! I love you so much and I'm proud to be your daughter.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Happy Birthday Roomie

Happy birthday to my old Roomie. Girl, you will always be the one that got me off the couch. And for that I'm forever grateful. Thanks for all the laughs and the hugs and the crying on each other's shoulders. Happy birthday dear friend.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!  I hope you all have a wonderful day full of friends, family, love and lots of yummy food!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Happy Anniversary

(Because I'm the awesomest wife ever I COMPLETELY forgot to schedule my anniversary post.  So here it is today, a day late.  LAME.  But hey!  It's here!)
November 2007-The Memory Journalists

Today is my second wedding anniversary.  In some ways it has absolutely flown by.  I can't believe it has already been two years!  In other ways it seems a lot longer.  We've moved three times, changed jobs twice, gotten laid off twice, been separated by job training for three months and survived terrible coworkers and crazy bosses.  And here we are starting a new adventure in our life, waiting for the arrival of our son.

September 2008

He is my best friend.  The first person I want to talk to when things go bad.  The first person I want to celebrate with when things go good.  He's my sounding board and my soft place to land.  He's calm when I'm wound up and always willing to go to bat for me.  He is always consistent and reliable and I know I can depend on him.

November 17, 2009

Happy anniversary my love!  I love you so much and I'm looking forward to the next 20 years!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Happy Birthday Momma!

Today is my Momma's birthday!  She doesn't look a day over 30.  I hope I age as well as she does.  She's not only beautiful on the outside but she is gorgeous on the inside.

Momma is the center of our family.  She's our cheerleader, our comforter, our shoulder to cry on, our confidante and the best example that any of us could ask for of a good mother and wife.  We can only hope that we follow her example and be as good as she is.

Momma, I love you so much.  Especially now as I head into this adventure of motherhood.  I read somewhere that when you get pregnant and become a mother you appreciate your parents, especially your mother, so much more.  And it's true.  When I think of the fact that my mom did this THREE times it blows me away. 

I hope you have a wonderful birthday Momma!  We are so blessed to be your children.  Thank you teaching us (STILL!) and being our rock!

Friday, October 9, 2009

Lovebug's Chocolate Factory

Last weekend we celebrated my youngest nieces fourth birthday.  I can't believe how big these girls are getting!  I wish they would just slow down and stay little forever.

Lovebug is our sweet's lover so my sister picked the theme of "Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory."  Candy and sweets everywhere!  My sister is so good at these parties.  She decorated the backyard oversized candy, set up a candy shop where the kids could go and "shop" for their goodie bag.  There were marshmellows, pretzels, strawberries and vanilla wafers to dip in the two chocolate fountains.  And the cake!  It was so awesome!  The lady that made it did such a good job! 

The kids got to make their own sugar sticks, jump in the jump house, played Pin the Gumball on the Gumball Machine and Musical Candy (like Musical Chairs).  For their goodies they got to choose from rock candy, candy jewelry, cupcake bubbles, brownies, doughnut soap, lollipops and candy bars.  So basically we sent them all home strung out on sugar!

Lovebug had a great time.  My favorite part was watching her open her presents.  This is a kid that tears through them so see what she gets.  Things she really likes get a quick hug and then she is off to the next package. 

Happy birthday my little cuddler.  Tia loves you so much.  Now stop growing.